
ProSpeak: Taking a Stand…Against Sitting

Tammy Y. Allen, Director, Marketing & Programs, The NIIC


“There is a recent surge of interest in self-care and general well-being. We need to take better care of ourselves. Using a standing desk is one way to invest in self-care while you work. A few years ago my naturopath suggested I try a standing desk. Since then, I have experienced a noticeable difference in my energy and alertness. I am able to shift from tasks more quickly and fluidly and do not feel as sluggish at the end of the day.

“Sitting for many hours per day in a sedentary job has been associated with health risks, including cardiovascular disease and perhaps even all-cause mortality. Standing desks are becoming increasingly popular,” says Emily Moore, ND, L.A.c.

Here are some key points to consider:”

Click here to read the full article on BusinessPeople.com.


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