
Roads Less Traveled

Larry Rottmeyer, PhD, Director of Innovation Education, The NIIC
Photo by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash.com

Routines. They bring structure and efficiency to our lives. We can go through the motions of everyday life with little thought. Routines begin as we wake up each morning and end as we fall asleep at night. They cover a wide range of daily activities – from personal care and meals to our social media and shopping preferences. Routines make our lives easier.

Our routines certainly include the roads we travel to and from work. Although working from home has changed that for many since COVID-19 Pandemic entered the scene. Frequently, there is a preferred, regular route. It is often the fastest and most direct route. Traffic may be heavy or light, but it is the path best known and most often or always used. We know the road well. We can practically drive it in our sleep. This is our travel routine.

But, what happens when we take a different route? It may take longer to get to where you are going, but you:

pay closer attention;

experience new scenery;

think of a new idea;

have extra time to yourself;

have more time to think;

learn to value your time;

remember something important;

relax more and stress less;

learn patience.

Business builders choose the roads less traveled by most people.

It takes time to build a business – sometimes a long time. It is a journey filled with new experiences, challenges, and people. Often, many come to realize that the roads less traveled can lead to the most incredible adventures.

It may take longer, but you can build a new business.

Are you looking for new roads to travel? Include our NIIC Navigator® Online Toolset in your business builder journey. NIIC Navigator offers a learning management system and an academy. Learn more by visiting our website or contact us.


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