
3 Easy Steps for More Effective Goal-Setting in 2020

Leslee Hill, Director, WEOC at The NIIC
Photo by FreePics.com


“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry


It’s that time of year again! Especially at the end of a decade, it’s almost impossible not to think back and review, while at the same time setting the tone for the next year or 10. 


Although many people make New Year’s resolutions, they are often too vague. A whopping 80% fail within the first 30 days, according to U.S. News & World Report. 


If a goal is too general, it makes it much harder to commit to achieving it. If you want something different, it’s important to take clear and decisive steps. Otherwise, you’ll end up with more of the same.


To help you sustain your motivation, and handle the stress and discomfort involved in achieving a change, goal, or resolution, here are my three core steps for goal-setting success:


1) Assess “Where” and “Why.”

Take a step back and try to make an objective evaluation of where you are right now, where you want to be, and what you did not achieve last year that you wanted to achieve. Why didn’t it happen?


This will most likely be the longest and most difficult step in your goal-setting process.




Don’t beat yourself up. It’s not about that. It’s about taking stock.


2) Create One Goal.

 Zero in on one specific goal, for the next three months, six months, or 12 months. The main thing is to pick something very specific to achieve, and then set a deadline.


3) Action Steps

How are you going to get to your goal? Work backward from the desired result. Break it down into manageable, actionable items you can cross off your list.


All three of these things should be accompanied by expected completion dates. 


Looking for a little help? Check out STRE.ME, the goal-setting app with corresponding documents and charts to help you track your progress so you can flourish with purpose.


Another way to improve your success rate: find an accountability partner. This can boost the likelihood of achieving a goal by 65%, according to The American Society of Training and Development. This jumps to a 95% success rate when paired with ongoing progress check-ins.


The NIIC and WEOC bring together many like-minded entrepreneurs with similar goals and perspectives. Consider attending Connected Health: Applications in Goal Setting and Accountability or joining a mastermind group to develop your peer-to-peer network.


“If you want to be responsible, keep your promises to others.

If you want to be successful, keep your promises to yourself.” –  Marie Forleo


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